Welcome to the Kittiwakes class page!
Welcome to Kittiwakes
My name is Miss Clarke, and I am the class teacher. Mrs White and Mrs Fleming cover my time out of class.
Please find information below about what we will be learning in Autumn 2. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me at the classroom door or send an email to admin@starcross-primary.devon.sch.uk.
Our topic this term is ‘Our Wonderful World’. We will be learning about physical and human features, maps, cardinal compass points, and positional and directional language.
Reading and Phonics
At our school, we use the Read Write Inc phonics programme to teach our children to read. At 10 am every day, the children move around the school to their phonics groups. We ensure that children are placed in groups that match their abilities so that they feel confident to read the books that they take home. The children are assessed every half term to support their progression through the scheme and are ready for Year 2.
In English, we will be learning to write a narrative using our first text ‘Stuck’ by Oliver Jeffers. Our second book will be ‘Snow in the Garden’ by Shirley Hughes, and we will be using this text to help us write instructions.
In Maths, we will be following White Rose Maths and are moving onto addition and subtraction. We will also be teaching an additional 15 minutes of Maths a day through a programme called ‘Mastering Number’, which focuses on mathematical fluency and understanding.
In Science, we will be learning about the human senses, the body parts associated with each sense and their role in keeping us safe.
In PE, we are learning gymnastics and fundamental movements.
In computing, we will be learning about robots. We will explore using commands to move floor robots and will also be introduced to algorithms.
Our question for RE this term is, ‘Why does Christmas matter to Christians?’ We will find out about how Christmas is celebrated today and begin to consider which traditions are secular and which are religious.
In D&T, we will learn about the purpose of shelters and their materials. We will design, build and evaluate our own play dens.
At our school, we use the scheme SCARF for PSHE. This term, we will be focusing on ‘Valuing Difference’. We will be thinking about the differences and similarities between people and begin to appreciate the positive aspects of differences.
In Music, we will learn songs for our nativity ‘Prickly Hay’.