At Starcross Primary School, we aim to ensure that all children, regardless of need or barrier, achieve a secure foundation in maths because it equips children with a set of essential tools for everyday life. Maths provides opportunities for intellectual excitement; it is a creative and imaginative study of patterns and relationships. We aim to develop confident, numerate individuals with a depth of understanding, and with the ability to use and apply their mathematical knowledge to solve everyday problems. Children should be able to reason, discuss and explain their understanding to others.
Our children will:
- Develop positive attitudes and approaches towards maths and be excited and eager to learn.
- Explore patterns and the relationships within maths.
- Develop fluency with the fundamentals of maths and become confident in the use of mental strategies, including the ability to recall and apply knowledge accurately.
- Be able to reason mathematically, and explain their thinking effectively through discussion, written work, use of equipment or drawings.
- Be able to use mathematical vocabulary to explain their understanding to others.
- Develop strategies to solve problems.
- Explore a variety of informal and formal approaches to written calculations.
- Make rich connections linking mathematical ideas.
- Develop an awareness of the relevance of maths in the real world.
- Be able to use and apply their mathematical understanding in both other curriculum subjects and real-life situations.
- Work both independently and collaboratively.
- Develop a systematic approach towards enquiry and recording their work.
At Starcross Primary School, we follow the White Rose maths curriculum. Each year group’s work is organised into units of work, with the aim that children develop a depth of understanding of each topic. We are developing a mastery approach towards the teaching of maths, and encouraging the use of talk and reasoning.
The curriculum maps, resources and teaching guidance can be found by following the links below:
The White Rose scheme of learning can be found here, the calculation policy for addition and subtraction is here, and the policy for multiplication and division is here.
In Year 1 and 2 children follow the NCETM Mastering Number programme to support strong development in understanding number. Mastering number sessions are taught daily.
Reception teachers are guided by the Development Matters document and also use Mastering Number planning and White Rose.
Maths is taught for an hour daily but this may be broken up into smaller sessions following the teachers’ judgement. Children learn as a whole class, and may be supported in groups or as individuals where appropriate. A range of seating plans may be used, according to the children’s needs and the unit taught. We support children with both pre-teaching activities and interventions when needed, using a range of programmes and resources, such as the Mastering Number Programme.
Maths is set as a regular part of homework for Years 3 – 6. This will include using online platforms such as Doodle Maths and Times Tables Rock Stars.
Lessons are organised as a progression to build skills in small steps. Children are supported and challenged appropriately in various ways, such as by task, equipment or questioning. We aim to use consistent images, equipment and vocabulary to enable children to build on and develop their understanding. Working Walls support the unit of learning.