Starcross Primary School is part of Ivy Education Trust and the Local Governing Body is within the structure of the Trust Governance. More information about IET Governance can be found here: Ivy Education Trust Governance

Tara Trail
Tara has recently relocated back to Devon from Milton Keynes where she was the Deputy Head of a large primary school. Her primary beliefs are that education is for all children and her previous role as SENDCo has really helped her to understand that each child learns and makes progress in their own style and in their own time. Tara believes that primary education should ensure that children are ready for the challenges that secondary education will bring and that it is our role at Starcross Primary School to prepare children in all senses and provide them with the toolkit of skills they will need to fully embrace the next part of their educational journey.
In her free time, Tara loves to read and enjoys running along the sea front.

Martin Veasey
Martin joined the Starcross Primary governing body in October 2022. He is a science manager at the Met Office and has a background in STEM.
Martin has two children in primary education and decided to enter governance after being inspired by schools’ responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Although new to the role, Martin is very much looking forward to leading the governing body to support Starcross in achieving its strategic objectives.

Annette Wade
Annette joined as a co-opted governor in the Autumn term of 2022.
Annette works part-time for Great Western Railway and has 3 children at the school. She has a BSc degree in Population Sciences and has life experience and skills gained from work, volunteering abroad in public health, travelling and being a parent, that she can bring to the role. Annette became a governor to give to the school and local community, and to ensure that the children and their futures are at the heart of it all.

Tish Broome
Tish is one of the Managers of the Preschool and the staff governor and has been involved with both the Preschool and School for 30 plus years. Tish’s passion for being involved with Starcross Preschool and School is only surpassed by her passion for working with children and placing them at the core of everything. Tish has four children and three grandchildren with one grandchild attending the Primary School. Tish lives in the village and sees the school as playing an important role in the community and has worked with different groups and events to promote this.

Gemma Posey
Gemma is a governor at Starcross Primary School. She joined as a co-opted governor in the Summer term of 2023.
Gemma has worked as a Primary school teacher for the last 15 years in Torquay. She currently teaches Year 1, has previously taught Year 2 and held the Special Needs Coordinator (SENDCo) role for her school. She is the music lead and forest school enthusiast at her school. Gemma has 3 children, all of whom have previously or are currently attending Starcross Primary. She became a governor to support the school in any way that she can. She hopes to use her experience, in education and as a parent, to help to move the school forward.

Julia Sutherland
Julia was appointed Local Governance Officer in June 2023. For the last 20 years Julia was the Examinations Officer for a secondary school and previously worked in the Health Service (mental health), Local Government at County and District Council level, and for Dartmoor National Park Authority. Julia is confident that her previous work experiences, many of which entailed following government procedures and protocols, will enable her to provide a good service to the Governing body so that they meet their statutory requirements

Louisa Hosgood
Louisa joined as a co-opted governor in the Summer term of 2024.
Louisa works part-time as a Senior Paralegal for a law firm specialising in family law. Louisa also has a BA degree in Criminology. Louisa has 2 children at the school.
Louisa has gained skills from her work history which she can bring to her governing role including being a parent herself. Louisa hopes these skills can assist her in supporting the school in any way she can.

Thomas Mason
Tom joined as a co-opted governor in the Summer term of 2024.
Tom is a computer scientist working in Exeter. He has two children in primary education and became a governor at Starcross to assist his local school.
Tom hopes to use his experience in STEM, finance and management to help support the school in achieving its goals.