Starcross Primary School took part in the long-awaited revival of our annual Pancake Festival on Thursday 21st March. This tradition, which had been stopped in its tracks by Covid, saw members of the twinning association from Starcross’ twinned village of Henvic come over on the ferry.
Three enthusiastic members of the association were warmly welcomed by their British counterparts who hosted them in their homes.
Mike from the association greeted our pupils in a traditional Breton costume on Thursday morning, where he played his melodeon at the school gates. The music continued playing throughout the school as he visited each classroom, ensuring that every child had the opportunity to listen (and dance!) to the music.
Our children were treated to a school-wide assembly led by Anne, who shared with us photographs of Henvic. Pupils then took part in a Q&A with the visitors, fostering a sense of connection and curiosity about life in their twinned village.
Following a musical breaktime with traditional dancing led by Mike who played his melodeon and very loud Breton horn, pupils immersed themselves in a range of cultural activities. From Breton Dance workshops to hands-on Breton Pottery Art lessons and a Geography Location Study comparing Starcross with Henvic, there was plenty for us to take part in.
In the afternoon, the French ladies used our school kitchen to prepare authentic crepes with their crepe machines they bought over with them, which pupils and families were able to purchase.